Donald Trump has just taken office for more than a week, and his presidency is already marked by vengeance and score-settling at a ferocious and large scale.
The Department of Justice was one of the first entities to take the hit in what can be best described as ‘draining the swamp’ – a process to uncover the officials who are a little less loyal to Donald Trump than the rest of his followers and as his supporters argue, to clean house of all corrupt officials who have been holding back the country.
Donald Trump has just taken office for more than a week, and his presidency is already marked by vengeance and score-settling at a ferocious and large scale.
The Department of Justice was one of the first entities to take the hit in what can be best described as ‘draining the swamp’ – a process to uncover the officials who are a little less loyal to Donald Trump than the rest of his followers and as his supporters argue, to clean house of all corrupt officials who have been holding back the country.
Naturally, the DOJ has plenty of such ‘cases’ because it’s full of officials who worked against Trump for the past 8 years.
But the Eye of Sauron (remember, the one that knows and sees everything?) has already picked up a bunch of people to fall victim to the new president’s cleanup.
His representatives can say whatever they want, and this may bear the cover of a legitimate concern for his presidency, but the truth seems to be as old as the time itself – Donald Trump is simply removing the people who did not support him when it mattered the most (i.e. January 6).
Naturally, the DOJ has plenty of such ‘cases’ because it’s full of officials who worked against Trump for the past 8 years.
But the Eye of Sauron (remember, the one that knows and sees everything?) has already picked up a bunch of people to fall victim to the new president’s cleanup.
His representatives can say whatever they want, and this may bear the cover of a legitimate concern for his presidency, but the truth seems to be as old as the time itself – Donald Trump is simply removing the people who did not support him when it mattered the most (i.e. January 6)
.Democrats argue that in the case of this series of latest DOJ firings – the prosecutors simply did their jobs, being assigned to certain cases, and there is no political motivation behind the charges, and the charges are not trumped up. Obiously, Trump and his Republican followers disagree,.
Supposedly, around a dozen officials lost their jobs overnight for no reason in particular apart from prosecuting Donald Trump after his alleged attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 Presidential election. According to an email sent by interim U.S. Attorney Ed Martin to DOJ employees, these officials were “improperly hired” by the previous Biden administration.
The Trump Administration’s argument is that the Biden administration converted their positions to a “permanent” basis in order to protect them from any kind of future firings, which was improper procedure.
It’s not like they volunteered to go ‘against Trump’ having their personal interests in mind. These people, just like any others holding a certain position, were assigned a few cases, so they could only take them and investigate them.
Unfortunately for those officials, the cases concerned Donald Trump, who doesn’t seem to be the forgiving type, we can expect to see more of this in the near future.
Apparently, being involved in the legal cases against the current president of the U.S. is a good enough reason to be sacked without prior notice.
Unsurprisingly, the whole thing went down silently and the media coverage is, well, lukewarm at least.
Few people dare to say it out loud (at least no one holding some actual power) but Democrat and liberal leaders have been arguing that Trump has started his presidency by actually breaking the law and ignoring a multitude of rules that would have been deemed outrageous if it was someone else.
The dean of UC Berkeley’s School of Law, Erwin Chemerinsky, was one of the few people who spoke openly about Trump trying to reshape Washington in the most obvious and scary way.
“I think that Trump has issued many executive orders that are clearly illegal,” he told Huffington Post. “Some of it is political, some of it is to test the bounds of the law. He really wants to push executive power further than it’s ever been before.”
And this means we’re in for a rough and tumultuous ride because it’s only the beginning of Donald’s Trump presidency.
It seems that no official is now safe enough, suddenly becoming unprotected by the law, as Donald Trump moves in to settle scores and clean house.
Inspectors general were supposed to be independent and not connected to any particular party, yet they were judged by Trump and deemed dangerous to his rule, just like the officials who worked on the cases against him. Of course, the Trump administration argues that these Inspector Generals were not independent in the first place.
Well, now it seems that if you don’t support the current president, you might very well lose your job on the spot!
These are certainly dreadful times to hold an official position in U.S. government agencies if even the federal laws can’t protect the officials working there.
For Republicans, this will be seen as a good thing as these officials are obiously seen as being biased against Trump, and a “cleaning of the house” after a change in government is normal. After all, everyone doesn’t want your employees to not be aligned against your views, right?