“Let’s Go Home, My Love!” Prince William and Their Three Children Overjoyed as Doctor Announces Kate’s Tumor Is Completely Gone

In an emotional turn of events, Prince William and Kate Middleton received life-changing news from the doctors following her battle with a life-threatening illness. The family had been anxiously awaiting …

“Let’s Go Home, My Love!” Prince William and Their Three Children Overjoyed as Doctor Announces Kate’s Tumor Is Completely Gone Read More

MY TEEN DAUGHTER VANISHED! Named Amber, 13, reddish hair, freckles. Missing for a week. Guys this is the hardest thing a parent can experience. No, she’s not the type to run away. I know every parent says that, but it’s true. I know my daughter. Thinking something bad happened to her… Gosh, just unbearable. The police just shrugged, totally helpless. To be honest they did their part. But then all of a sudden, just crying outside I saw a homeless woman with AMBER’S BACKPACK! I knew it was hers! I stopped her and I offered money until she gave it to me. I asked her around about the bag and she told me what she knew. Which wasn’t enough. The bag was empty. Completely empty. My heart sank. I threw it down in despair and cried. That’s when a note fell out. I picked it up and read it. There were only two words, just two.

I was staring at my daughter’s vacant bed in her room and my pulse was racing. My gorgeous thirteen-year-old daughter, Amber, had vanished from sight a week prior. She had …

MY TEEN DAUGHTER VANISHED! Named Amber, 13, reddish hair, freckles. Missing for a week. Guys this is the hardest thing a parent can experience. No, she’s not the type to run away. I know every parent says that, but it’s true. I know my daughter. Thinking something bad happened to her… Gosh, just unbearable. The police just shrugged, totally helpless. To be honest they did their part. But then all of a sudden, just crying outside I saw a homeless woman with AMBER’S BACKPACK! I knew it was hers! I stopped her and I offered money until she gave it to me. I asked her around about the bag and she told me what she knew. Which wasn’t enough. The bag was empty. Completely empty. My heart sank. I threw it down in despair and cried. That’s when a note fell out. I picked it up and read it. There were only two words, just two. Read More