When you think about nuns, you typically envision ladies living a quiet life dedicated to religion and not having much fun. The sisterhood is thought to be rather rigid, and certainly not a place to learn an exuberant dance routine! However, this dramatic, high-energy performance will dispel whatever myths you have about nuns.
The nuns got together to demonstrate their community that they still know how to enjoy good old-fashioned fun. They rented a place at a nearby recreation facility and prepared to present their concert.The nuns choreographed their own dance routine, but it was nothing like their audience expected.
They begin slowly, but when the beat kicks in, they surprise their audience by increasing the speed. Suddenly, these sisters come alive! The music increases faster, and their feet begin to tap. They enthusiastically jump back and forth to the repetitive cry “I love him!” with enormous smiles on their faces.
What begins as a slow-moving dance performance quickly transforms into a stunning display of energy that puts their audience in stitches with laughter.